Brace yourself, my readers, you're in for a wild ride. In my life I have had many jobs: travel companion, plumber, trained assassin, among others. One of my most interesting jobs was acting as a “secret inmate” to help test prison security. I was asked to spend a week in a new state-of-the-art prison located in Gnomistan's prison district to help find any security weaknesses. Unfortunately, due to a snafu in the computer system of the the Department of Prison Testing and Animal Husbandry, my status as a “secret inmate” was lost. My only chance was to escape on my own. For months, I monitored the guards' patrol routine, tested for blind spots in the security cameras' visibility, and collected the tools for my escape (spoons from the mess hall, dental floss and a five-horse power Briggs and Stratton engine). Finally, the day came. While all of the guards were playing their morning game of dodge-ball, I executed my plan. First, I slipped through the bars of my cell (security flaw 1: the bars were spaced so far apart that the prisoners were basically on the honor system). I then crawled through an air duct to the prison library (security flaw 2: Never post the prison blueprints on the cell walls to save on wallpaper costs). Finally, using a lock pick set I ordered by mail (security flaw 3: This one is obvious), I unlocked the front door, sprinted to my rental car, which I owed a LOT of money on, and drove to freedom. The story was hushed up in the press because the warden was a drinking chum of the Prime Minister and he didn't want it to get out that the security was so lax. At least I got an amazing story out of my adventure. Here are a few pictures of my trip to “The Rock.”

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