Mr. and Mrs. S had a very nice surprise for me this weekend. In honor of Labor Day and all of the hard work I have done on the kitchen, they invited me to join them at a celebration honoring a Mr. Jimmy Buffett. I had heard of this legendary man while I was in Gnomistan but I honestly thought all of the stories were exaggerations. Honestly, who would believe the stories that one man could command tens of thousands of followers to dress in grass skirts and coconut bras and dance like
Carmen Miranda all night? To make the celebration even more memorable Mr. and Mrs. S's family came down to join us. I felt truly honored that they would include me in this festival.
The crowd at the festival was most amazing! I have come to realize that the stories we heard in Gnomistan were grossly understated. The only event I have ever seen that ever came close to this festive atmosphere was the 1994 Gnomistani bicentennial. Now that was a party! In fact, as of the last time I called home it was still going strong!
Mrs. S organized a scavenger hunt to introduce myself and the rest of the family to our fellow Parrotheads. Here are some memorable images from our adventure.
The Lost Shakers of Salt

Thank God the Tiki Bar is Open


My new "friend"!

A picture of me and Mr. Jimmy!

License to Chill!

The official blender of Margaritaville!

These chaps are called "Parrotheads"!

Double blender action

Jimmy gets my vote!

Cheeseburger in Paradise

Dancing the day a way with my new friend Chickee

A coconut bra and grass skirt...but I think they look better on the ladies.
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