Tuesday, September 9, 2008

9-9-08 A word of caution...

As I said previously, I have never worked with PVC pipe before. Being a master plumber (local 1201), I thought I could figure out how to install the pipe without reading the directions on the glue. Damn my gnomish sense of pride! I started to apply the primer and glue to some fittings, when the room began to spin. I began to see images of my homeland...the grain fields of the northland, the beautiful beaches on the eastern shore, the sulfur fire caves of the west side. Then I started seeing visions of purple elephants dancing to Pink Floyd's “Dark Side of the Moon” and a cute gnome girl I dated in high school throwing balls of mud at me as I ran naked on the cricket field. It made no sense! Suddenly I felt a slap to my face, snapping me out of my daze. Mr. S found me wandering the house with a piece of pipe on my head screaming “I'm a pretty gnome!” I was very embarrassed.

Word to the wise....always work in a well ventilated area when you are working with PVC glue.

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