Sunday, August 17, 2008

8-16-08 The gang goes to the zoo

Mrs. S's brother and sister-in-law had never been to the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. before, so we decided to take a field trip. For Landon, this was the first time he had ever seen exotic wild animals outside of a Dr. Seuss book. I, myself, was very excited about this trip as I had heard that the zoo had recently been given a pair for endangered Gnomistani screaming prairie dogs as a goodwill gift. These animals are very rare and truly a delight to see. It is said that if they scream at just the right pitch, you will think you hear angels singing in heaven...just before you tiny eardrums burst.

Alas, it was not to be. When we arrived at the zoo, there was a sign saying that gnomes were banned due to a recent incident with a gnome and a badger. Undeterred, I hid myself in Landon's stroller and we headed inside. I decided that I would be the designated camera gnome for the day in order to not attract too much attention to myself. So I don't get to see the Gnomistani screaming prairie dogs but here are some of the pictures I snapped.

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