Sunday, January 6, 2008

1/3/08 – Rock the boat, don’t rock the boat, baby

Hello again from the rocking and rolling Explorer of the Seas! Our wild ride has continued throughout the night well into today. Captain Erik informed us during his noon report that we are unable to make up the 10 hours lost during the medical evacuation due to the really bad sea conditions. Our new estimated time of arrival is high noon on Friday-- 5 hours later than expected. Not only are the seas still very rough but within a 30-minute span today we witnessed a rainbow, sleet, and even SNOW from deck 14! Of course, us gnomes are seafaring creatures and not easily phased by such harsh conditions. I remember when I was a small gnome off the coast of Gnomistan, we braved a ferocious…golly gee, that’s a story for another time. I’m delighted to report that Mr. & Mrs. S & her parents are holding up quite well too.

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